Hourly reports from Google Adwords can help to reveal some interesting facts about when your searchers are looking for what you offer. Where are the clicks and impressions going? Is your product a daytime or evening seach subject? And why waste your clicks on low traffic times? go here for more from Google.
You don’t have brochure marketing, or sales person marketing so why website marketing?
Website marketing is there for those that want their website to both “tell” and “sell” their product and service. As you can imagine, not everyone fits into this category.
But for those that do then our website marketing process is an ideal way to get those idle web pages working and selling as hard as they can.
Our programs fit into two areas of website marketing.
The first service offering focuses on delivering a growing amount of new traffic to your website. The second helps you convert this traffic into prospective sales leads.
The graphic below outlines our overall approach to website marketing.
Website traffic comes from four main areas (shown by the arrows above). This traffic passes through some tracking tools so we can determine its quantity and origination.
These new visitors now work their way through web pages, pondering content that is specifically designed to appeal to those that you would classify as “warm” prospects.
By reading these pages they are enticed to register and turn themselves from anonymous website browsers into known sales leads.
A further much smaller group work deeper into the site and make themselves known as what you would call “hot” prospects that want what you offer now.
Our job is to help you apply this website marketing methodology to either your existing or proposed new website. We do this already for a growing number of clients from different industries both here in New Zealand and overseas.
Make contact with us today if you would learn more about how we can help you.
To test our thinking we are offering the option to subscribe to two email delivered mini-courses that may help you start on your own website marketing journey – you can find more information on these below.
All the best
Chris Price
Permission NZ Ltd
09 623 6575
01 Course 1: Web site Lead Generation.
Can your Web site work harder to deliver you more sales leads? This course outlines the basic theory around on-line lead generation and steps you through a simple methodology for you to apply.
Course subjects include:
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02 Course 2: Professional Email Marketing
A course suited to both those already involved or soon to start their own email marketing efforts. This course helps marketers build a solid foundation of competency to ensure that future investments in both time and money are well placed to succeed.
Course subjects include:
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Depending on your industry, its competitive profile, and the problems your products/services solve, online lead generation can be either an extremely simple or an excruciatingly complex task.
We have customers who have built a business in a few months based on a single web page and a well written Google AdWords ad, whereas others are making single digit monthly percentage point growth through extensive, detailed and painstakingly left-brain testing procedures. Yes, each business follows the same common methodologies, but the outcomes can be vastly different.
And then with luck there’s the arrival of a new lead being, for most, cause for a celebration. Yes, that AdWords ad is working well or, perhaps, that copy change on the landing page is starting to hit its straps. You really are starting to master this lead-generation lark, you mutter under your breath – and you would be partly right.
You see, generating a lead is one thing – converting it into a customer is another. Frequently, we see that success at the first stage is not always translated into a similar level of achievement with the second. Of course, you are not to expect a 100% conversion rate between the two – not all leads have the same propensity to become customers. But still, there can be a wide difference between the total leads generated and the resulting customers converted for many businesses using the online space for lead generation.
Fortunately, it is not uncommon to see your competitors having the same struggles to generate and nurture leads online as you do. But, by having Permission on your team, you bring to bear years of experience in solving the problems you will face.
In its very crudest form, this work ensures your website ‘sells’. For some, a sale is a person asking for a free report or an initial complimentary consultation. Others see a sale as another order for some nail polish. Whichever option fits your business, this work is focussed on achieving more ‘sales’ online.
In nearly all cases the work focuses on ensuring your website sells in the same way your prospects want to buy. Once this is mapped out, we go to work with you on creating the right copy and then help get it in front of more of your ideal prospect audience.
Most of the gaps that need to be filled here focus on your business, its market and the prospects you want to engage more with.
During our coaching sessions we have covered a few specifics of this work. Have a look at these:
Creating a profitable lead nurturing program
Creating landing pages that work
Improving your website’s conversion rates
We offer solutions to two problems that your business may be facing:
01How to cost effectively nurture the existing relationships you have through online communication methods.
02How to optimise your online presence to enable it to supply a stead stream of prospective sales leads.
Depending on your ability, email marketing has the power to either engage or enrage your customers or prospects. Permission produces campaigns that accentuate the positive and personal impact email messaging can impart.
For those already using email, we reveal trends of behaviour that have previously lay hidden in email tracking data. We blend this with our extensive knowledge and experience of effective messaging and then direct you on how to improve your effectiveness.
We don’t build websites; we optimise them so they turn anonymous visitors into known sales leads.
We achieve this through a package of specialised tools and services customised in application to suit your specific market need.
Need Answers To These Problems?
Hi there,
Thanks for dropping by to read more about Permission. We’re a small business (there’s just the two of us) that starts each month with the same goal of solving just two problems
This November its our 5 year birthday – there are a few grey hairs – but with this experience comes a number of success stories ready to tell. Look at our client section on this site to see some of the businesses we have and still work with today.
With website marketing there are a few basics to get right and then the main part of the work revolves around discovering what strategies are best to use to convince your prospects to buy what you offer. It’s not a complicated process – it just takes time and focused specialised resources to get it right.
So that’s what we do – here’s some points on what’s outside our focus.
We don’t spend all our time building websites – the focus is more on marketing the socks off what people have. When it comes to any email marketing or website technology we are not wedded to any particular solution – we like to pick and choose the best match for our clients’ needs.
We’re specialists that work / play well with others to get the job done.
However when it comes to website lead generation we don’t work for competing companies – we’re too competitive to make that work.
And when it comes to the desire for new work – we are a company going for a slow burn. We can take on just two new clients a month. I have done the 16 staff – two office operation before and seen client relationships suffer and value offering deteriorate.
Oh, but we do satisfaction guarantee our services. Yes in an age where there is more promise than delivery we stand by our work – no happy smiles at the end – no bill, simple really.
Let me know if you think we could be of help.
Chris Price
Permission NZ Ltd
0064 9 623 6575
P.S. We have a new coaching product in development – learn more about this here. Plus you can try our thinking out by registering for our FREE lead generation coaching course. Or failing that – if we’re online too, why not give the chat option a go?
Unlike employees your website is best treated as a number.
So forget the nice graphics and the soft comfortable design influence, it’s time take your website and distil it down to the cold hard facts of a percentage conversion rate. (That is its ability to create prospect leads as a percentage of the total Internet traffic it receives.)
Hard clinical numbers tell you whether all the bright lights and fancy colours of web design are making a difference to convince those itinerant web browsers to start tapping away on their keyboards to become prospects of note.
Here are four points to help you begin to view your web site in this new light.
Firstly the old saying holds true online, you can only manage what you measure, so start to investigate what web tracking tools you have to see if they provide you with the numbers you need. Most will provide visits – hits and top pages. What you really want is a tool that shows you all this plus the ability to track actual visitor actions. If what you have comes up short, don’t worry. There’s no need to invest much to get what you need. Google even provides a tool free of charge in their Google Analytics package that does a basic but solid job of showing you what you need to know.
Second, once you know your stats you need to plan their improvement. You can do this by viewing your web site not as a publisher but as a prospect visitor. (Some tools can help you alter your perspective by showing you in real time the live paths people actually take as they click through your site.)
There will probably be a few different groups of prospects and customers that work through your site. Your task is to map out the characteristics and content demands of each group and then to see how your site performs.
For instance one of your predominant groups could be quite analytical in nature, arriving at your site on a fact finding mission whereas others could be more interested in the “feel” of the business – its owners and customers. Somehow your content will need to appeal to both of these quite different prospect groups.
Thirdly after matching the right content to the correct profile then you need to present it in the correct way. Just like a poorly tied fly can ruin a good day’s trout fishing – web content poorly presented will fail to trigger the registration response you desire.
For example Permission started working with a client’s web site that was converting just 2.5% of its web site traffic into prospect leads. By altering the way the exact same content was presented we managed to increase this to a credible 25%. (The industry conversion rate for offering free content is 10%.)
And finally by taking on the goal of wanting to view your web site as a number you need to know there is no finally. There are always ways to make some incremental improvement on what you have done before.
Even our customer experiencing a solid 25% conversion rate has us working away each month to tweak things further to crack the 30% barrier we have broken with others in different industries.
MarketingSherpa has unleashed some great content for those interested in Business to Business lead generation ideas – there’s a MP3 of the presentation and a PDF of slides – on initial look it seems good stuff – go here for stuff
MarketingSherpa has unleashed some great content for those interested in Business to Business lead generation ideas – there’s a MP3 of the presentation and a PDF of slides – on initial look it seems good stuff – go here for stuff
Unlike employees your web site is best treated as a number.
So forget the nice graphics and the soft comfortable design influence, it’s time take your web site and distil it down to the cold hard facts of a percentage conversion rate. (That is its ability to create prospect leads as a percentage of the total Internet traffic it receives.)
Hard clinical numbers tell you whether all the bright lights and fancy colours of web design are making a difference to convince those itinerant web browsers to start tapping away on their keyboards to become prospects of note.
Here are four points to help you begin to view your web site in this new light.
Firstly the old saying holds true online, you can only manage what you measure, so start to investigate what web tracking tools you have to see if they provide you with the numbers you need. Most will provide visits – hits and top pages. What you really want is a tool that shows you all this plus the ability to track actual visitor actions. If what you have comes up short, don’t worry. There’s no need to invest much to get what you need. Google even provides a tool free of charge in their Google Analytics package that does a basic but solid job of showing you what you need to know.
Second, once you know your stats you need to plan their improvement. You can do this by viewing your web site not as a publisher but as a prospect visitor. (Some tools can help you alter your perspective by showing you in real time the live paths people actually take as they click through your site.)
There will probably be a few different groups of prospects and customers that work through your site. Your task is to map out the characteristics and content demands of each group and then to see how your site performs.
For instance one of your predominant groups could be quite analytical in nature, arriving at your site on a fact finding mission whereas others could be more interested in the “feel” of the business – its owners and customers. Somehow your content will need to appeal to both of these quite different prospect groups.
Thirdly after matching the right content to the correct profile then you need to present it in the correct way. Just like a poorly tied fly can ruin a good day’s trout fishing – web content poorly presented will fail to trigger the registration response you desire.
For example Permission started working with a client’s web site that was converting just 2.5% of its web site traffic into prospect leads. By altering the way the exact same content was presented we managed to increase this to a credible 25%. (The industry conversion rate for offering free content is 10%.)
And finally by taking on the goal of wanting to view your web site as a number you need to know there is no finally. There are always ways to make some incremental improvement on what you have done before.
Even our customer experiencing a solid 25% conversion rate has us working away each month to tweak things further to crack the 30% barrier we have broken with others in different industries.